2024-08-10 11:01:50 +07:00

349 lines
11 KiB

# Options for analysis running.
# Timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m.
# Default: 1m
timeout: 10m
# Exit code when at least one issue was found.
# Default: 1
issues-exit-code: 1
# Include test files or not.
# Default: true
tests: true
# List of build tags, all linters use it.
# Default: [].
build-tags: [ ]
# Which dirs to skip: issues from them won't be reported.
# Can use regexp here: `generated.*`, regexp is applied on full path,
# including the path prefix if one is set.
# Default value is empty list,
# but default dirs are skipped independently of this option's value (see skip-dirs-use-default).
# "/" will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
- pkg/
- migrations/
# If set we pass it to "go list -mod={option}". From "go help modules":
# If invoked with -mod=readonly, the go command is disallowed from the implicit
# automatic updating of go.mod described above. Instead, it fails when any changes
# to go.mod are needed. This setting is most useful to check that go.mod does
# not need updates, such as in a continuous integration and testing system.
# If invoked with -mod=vendor, the go command assumes that the vendor
# directory holds the correct copies of dependencies and ignores
# the dependency descriptions in go.mod.
# Allowed values: readonly|vendor|mod
# By default, it isn't set.
modules-download-mode: readonly
# Allow multiple parallel golangci-lint instances running.
allow-parallel-runners: true
sort-results: true
- asciicheck # Simple linter to check that your code does not contain non-ASCII identifiers
- containedctx # containedctx is a linter that detects struct contained context.Context field
- cyclop # checks function and package cyclomatic complexity
- dupl # Tool for code clone detection
- errname # Checks that sentinel errors are prefixed with the `Err` and error types are suffixed with the `Error`
- errorlint # errorlint is a linter for that can be used to find code that will cause problems with the error wrapping scheme introduced in Go 1.13
- exhaustive # check exhaustiveness of enum switch statements
- exhaustruct # Checks if all structure fields are initialized
- funlen # Tool for detection of long functions
- gocognit # Computes and checks the cognitive complexity of functions
- goconst # Finds repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant
- gocritic # Provides diagnostics that check for bugs, performance and style issues
- lll # Reports long lines
- makezero # Finds slice declarations with non-zero initial length
- nilerr # Finds the code that returns nil even if it checks that the error is not nil
- prealloc # Finds slice declarations that could potentially be pre-allocated
- tagliatelle # Checks the struct tags
# TODO: consider following linters
# - fieldalignment
# - wrapcheck
# The maximal code complexity to report.
# Default: 10
max-complexity: 10
# The maximal average package complexity.
# If it's higher than 0.0 (float) the check is enabled
# Default: 0.0
package-average: 0.0
# Should ignore tests.
# Default: false
skip-tests: true
# Tokens count to trigger issue.
# Default: 150
threshold: 150
# Check whether fmt.Errorf uses the %w verb for formatting errors.
# See the for caveats.
# Default: true
errorf: true
# Permit more than 1 %w verb, valid per Go 1.20 (Requires errorf:true)
# Default: true
errorf-multi: true
# Check for plain type assertions and type switches.
# Default: true
asserts: true
# Check for plain error comparisons.
# Default: true
comparison: true
# List of regular expressions to exclude struct packages and names from check.
# Default: []
# public libs
- "^$"
# Program elements to check for exhaustiveness.
# Default: [ switch ]
- switch
# - map
# Check switch statements in generated files also.
# Default: false
check-generated: false
# Presence of "default" case in switch statements satisfies exhaustiveness,
# even if all enum members are not listed.
# Default: false
default-signifies-exhaustive: false
# Enum members matching the supplied regex do not have to be listed in
# switch statements to satisfy exhaustiveness.
# Default: ""
ignore-enum-members: "Example.+"
# Enum types matching the supplied regex do not have to be listed in
# switch statements to satisfy exhaustiveness.
# Default: ""
ignore-enum-types: "Example.+"
# Consider enums only in package scopes, not in inner scopes.
# Default: false
package-scope-only: false
# Only run exhaustive check on switches with "//exhaustive:enforce" comment.
# Default: false
explicit-exhaustive-switch: false
# Only run exhaustive check on map literals with "//exhaustive:enforce" comment.
# Default: false
explicit-exhaustive-map: false
# Checks the number of lines in a function.
# If lower than 0, disable the check.
# Default: 60
lines: 60
# Checks the number of statements in a function.
# If lower than 0, disable the check.
# Default: 40
statements: 40
# Minimal code complexity to report.
# Default: 30
min-complexity: 30
# Minimal length of string constant.
# Default: 3
min-len: 3
# Minimum occurrences of constant string count to trigger issue.
# Default: 3
min-occurrences: 3
# Ignore test files.
# Default: false
ignore-tests: true
# Look for existing constants matching the values.
# Default: true
match-constant: true
# Search also for duplicated numbers.
# Default: false
numbers: false
# Ignore when constant is not used as function argument.
# Default: true
ignore-calls: true
# Which checks should be enabled; can't be combined with 'disabled-checks'.
# See
# To check which checks are enabled run `GL_DEBUG=gocritic golangci-lint run`.
# By default, list of stable checks is used.
- appendAssign
- appendCombine
- badCond
- badLock
- badRegexp
- boolExprSimplify
- builtinShadow
- builtinShadowDecl
- captLocal
- caseOrder
- commentFormatting
- commentedOutCode
- commentedOutImport
- defaultCaseOrder
- deferInLoop
- deferUnlambda
- deprecatedComment
- docStub
- dupArg
- dupBranchBody
- dupCase
- dupImport
- dupSubExpr
- dynamicFmtString
- elseif
- emptyDecl
- emptyFallthrough
- emptyStringTest
- exposedSyncMutex
- externalErrorReassign
- filepathJoin
- flagDeref
- flagName
- hugeParam
- ifElseChain
- indexAlloc
- mapKey
- nestingReduce
- nilValReturn
- octalLiteral
- offBy1
- preferDecodeRune
- preferFilepathJoin
- ptrToRefParam
- rangeExprCopy
- rangeValCopy
- regexpMust
- regexpSimplify
- singleCaseSwitch
- sliceClear
- sloppyLen
- sloppyReassign
- sloppyTypeAssert
- stringConcatSimplify
- stringXbytes
- stringsCompare
- switchTrue
- timeCmpSimplify
- timeExprSimplify
- truncateCmp
- typeAssertChain
- typeDefFirst
- typeSwitchVar
- typeUnparen
- uncheckedInlineErr
- underef
- unlambda
- unnecessaryDefer
- weakCond
- whyNoLint
- wrapperFunc
- yodaStyleExpr
# Settings passed to gocritic.
# The settings key is the name of a supported gocritic checker.
# The list of supported checkers can be find in
# Must be valid enabled check name.
# Whether to restrict checker to params only.
# Default: true
paramsOnly: true
# Whether to skip balanced if-else pairs.
# Default: true
skipBalanced: true
# Size in bytes that makes the warning trigger.
# Default: 80
sizeThreshold: 512
# Min number of statements inside a branch to trigger a warning.
# Default: 5
bodyWidth: 3
# Size in bytes that makes the warning trigger.
# Default: 512
sizeThreshold: 512
# Whether to check test functions
# Default: true
skipTestFuncs: true
# Size in bytes that makes the warning trigger.
# Default: 128
sizeThreshold: 128
# Whether to check test functions.
# Default: true
skipTestFuncs: true
# Whether to skip int/uint/uintptr types.
# Default: true
skipArchDependent: true
# Whether to skip (*x).method() calls where x is a pointer receiver.
# Default: true
skipRecvDeref: true
# IMPORTANT: we don't recommend using this linter before doing performance profiling.
# For most programs usage of prealloc will be a premature optimization.
# Report pre-allocation suggestions only on simple loops that have no returns/breaks/continues/gotos in them.
# Default: true
simple: true
# Report pre-allocation suggestions on range loops.
# Default: true
range-loops: true
# Report pre-allocation suggestions on for loops.
# Default: false
for-loops: true
# Check the struct tag name case.
# Use the struct field name to check the name of the struct tag.
# Default: false
use-field-name: false
# `camel` is used for `json` and `yaml`, and `header` is used for `header` (can be overridden)
# Default: {}
# Any struct tag type can be used.
# Support string case: `camel`, `pascal`, `kebab`, `snake`, `goCamel`, `goPascal`, `goKebab`, `goSnake`, `upper`, `lower`, `header`
db: snake
json: camel
yaml: camel
mapstructure: camel
# xml: camel # TODO
# List of regexps of issue texts to exclude.
# Independently of option `exclude` we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by this option.
# To list all excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`.
# Default: true.
exclude-use-default: true
# Excluding configuration per-path, per-linter, per-text and per-source
# Exclude `lll` and `gocritic` issues for long lines with `go:generate`
- source: "^//go:generate "
- lll
- gocritic
# Exclude `lll` issues for long struct tags
- source: "`[^`\n]+`"
- lll
# Exclude `lll` issues for swagger annotation
- source: "^//[\\s]*@[\\w]+\\s+"
- lll
# Exclude `lll` issues for long lines with `swag annotations`
- linters:
- lll
source: "^//[\\s]*@"
# Exclude `lll` and `funlen` for test files
- path: _test\.go
- funlen
- lll
- containedctx
- exhaustruct